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When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, it’s amore …..

sunburst pizza

That thing right there came out of the oven and The Saboteur started to bring out his inner Dean Martin. Now you know pizza makes that man croon. No wonder I don’t make it that often. Just kidding, hon! Oh, what the heck, chances are he won’t read this. So, between you and me, I thought he was channeling Jerry Lewis.

Then he called out for the kids to quickly get their hineys to the dining table. And they, too, said ooh … I knew why they were excited. Pizza meant no utensils. Is there a more perfect food?

pizza slice

I should have made this more often. It’s a fool-proof guarantee that your greens will be eaten. Smothered in cheese, mixed with a bit of meat, on a piece of bread, why even kale, arugula, and senposai passed the taste test of vegetables hating boys!

Of course The Boy had to mention that next time there should be less kale, but he ate his piece clean off his plate. Think I’m going to make it less green next time? Not a chance. Not when you have kale and senposai. Did I mention how remarkable these plants are? Still making leaves, nary a flower in sight.

The best part about this was the good amount of basil used. Whew! Now I can relax and let my basil grow a little more. It felt like a marathon for a while, trying to finish up all the basil.

This pizza pie would likely be really good with spinach, too, but who has spinach in the summer? One has to work with what one has growing in one’s garden. 

Speaking of which, one is about to lose one’s garden over here. The neighbor’s bamboo is all over it. I just want to cry. It may not look it, but I work very hard in there.


Recipe seems unnecessary. It was just store-bought pizza dough (there’s no shame in it whatsoever, especially when they were only $1 a piece), stuffed with cheese, meat of choice (or no meat if you’re vegetarian), chopped tomatoes or peppers, and blanched & chopped greens. In my case they included arugula, basil, kale, Moringa, and senposai. You can certainly use other vegetables.

pizza ingredients

The only thing to remember is to make sure you roll your dough on a surface lined with parchment paper. The paper will allow you to transfer the pizza onto the baking sheet or stone without ruining the design.

pizza unbaked

Also, once you flip out the slits, you can spread them apart and fill them with more stuffing, as needed. More stuffing, edges get eaten. At least in our house.