Fiesta Friday

Update Fiesta Friday Link Party is now hosted at Please visit to join Fiesta Friday Link Party.


Fridays are usually filled with anticipation for a fun and exciting or relaxing weekend. Fridays feel different and are somehow more special than other weekdays. They’re days to indulge, to let your hair down, and to celebrate by kicking it up a notch.

So, share with us how you celebrate your Fridays.

HOW? Create a new post specifically for Fiesta Friday. Adding a visual element (a photo/picture/image) to accompany the post is recommended. Make sure to tag your post with “Fiesta Friday” so others can find it.

WHAT? The post can be about food (recipe you make or restaurant review), activity (games you play, movies you watch), fashion (what you wear), music (what you listen to), or even uplifting quotes and funny jokes. The idea is to share something that helps you get your groove back after a long week of work. In doing so, you’ll inspire others.

WHEN? It’s a recurring weekly party. It starts Friday morning and ends the following Tuesday night. The earlier you link, however, the more views you’ll be getting.

WHERE? The party is hosted at The Novice Gardener’s. Link your post to The Novice Gardener’s blog. Publish the post on your own blog as you normally do, then visit the current Fiesta Friday post on The Novice Gardener and add your post’s URL to the list of links. A thumbnail image of your selected photo will be displayed to make it easier for others to find you.

  • A number of posts will be selected and featured on the next Fiesta Friday. To be considered for features, posts must adhere to the guidelines.
  • Please visit other links and leave a comment (Be kind, courteous, and encouraging). After all, this is a party. Mix and mingle! That’s the whole idea.

Now let’s get the party started!

Fiesta Friday #1           Fiesta Friday #2           Fiesta Friday #3           Fiesta Friday #4
Fiesta Friday #5           Fiesta Friday #6           Fiesta Friday #7           Fiesta Friday #8
Fiesta Friday #9           Fiesta Friday #10         Fiesta Friday #11          Fiesta Friday #12
Fiesta Friday #13         Fiesta Friday #14         Fiesta Friday #15          Fiesta Friday #16
Fiesta Friday #17         Fiesta Friday #18         Fiesta Friday #19          Fiesta Friday #20
Fiesta Friday #21         Fiesta Friday #22         Fiesta Friday #23          Fiesta Friday #24
Fiesta Friday #25         Fiesta Friday #26         Fiesta Friday #27          Fiesta Friday #28
Fiesta Friday #29         Fiesta Friday #30         Fiesta friday #31          Fiesta Friday #32
Fiesta Friday #33         Fiesta Friday #34         Fiesta Friday #35          Fiesta Friday #36
Fiesta Friday #37         Fiesta Friday #38         Fiesta Friday #39          Fiesta Friday #40
Fiesta Friday #41         Fiesta Friday #42         Fiesta Friday #43          Fiesta Friday #44
Fiesta Friday #45         Fiesta Friday #46         Fiesta Friday #47          Fiesta Friday #48
Fiesta Friday #49         Fiesta Friday #50         Fiesta Friday #51          Fiesta Friday #52
Fiesta Friday #53         Fiesta Friday #54         Fiesta Friday #55         Fiesta Friday #56
Fiesta Friday #57         Fiesta Friday #58         Fiesta Friday #59         Fiesta Friday #60
Fiesta Friday #61         Fiesta Friday #62         Fiesta Friday #63         Fiesta Friday #64
Fiesta Friday #65         Fiesta Friday #66         Fiesta Friday #67         Fiesta Friday #68
Fiesta Friday #69         Fiesta Friday #70         Fiesta Friday #71         Fiesta Friday #72
Fiesta Friday #73         Fiesta Friday #74         Fiesta Friday #75         Fiesta Friday #76
Fiesta Friday #77         Fiesta Friday #78         Fiesta Friday #79         Fiesta Friday #80
Fiesta Friday #81         Fiesta Friday #82

Visit to join the party and view recent Fiesta Fridays!


Grab the badge!

Fiesta Friday Badge Button I party @

href=”; > <img src=”; alt=”Fiesta Friday Badge Button I party @” width=”175″ height=”175″ class=”alignnone size-medium wp-image-4941″ /></a>

Fiesta Friday Badge Button I was featured

href=”; > <img src=”; alt=”Fiesta Friday Badge Button I was featured” width=”175″ height=”175″ class=”alignnone size-medium wp-image-4942″ /></a>